Tile Installation in Oteha
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Servicing: Alexandra Area, Balclutha Area, Cromwell Area, Dunedin, Lawrence Area, Milton Area, Owaka Area, Palmerston Area, Queenstown Area, Ranfurly Area, Wanaka Area
1 review
Servicing: Alexandra Area, Balclutha Area, Clyde Area, Cromwell Area, Dunedin, Milton Area, Queenstown Area, Ranfurly Area, Roxburgh Area, Wanaka Area
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Hours today: 10:00 - 17:00CLOSED
6 Oakwood Rise Ngararatunua Whangarei 0176
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Servicing: Geraldine Area, Pleasant Point Area, Temuka Area, Timaru Area
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21 Pipitea Drive Springlands Rarangi 7273
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126 Newton Street Mount Maunganui 3116
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Servicing: Auckland City, Helensville Area, North Shore, Manukau City