Two women smiling

How to keep your team tight over lockdown

It felt like just yesterday you could roll on over to your team and get the lowdown at a glance. With everyone spread out and tucked away, it’s more challenging to stay close with your staff. We have some easy ways to keep your team dialed in and kicking goals under lockdown.  

Establish at least one time of day when you all touch base 

This is key. It could be in the morning to set up the day, or it could be near the evening when you share your completed tasks and plan the next day’s work. It helps your team keep their heads in the game, and your business moving forward. Try out these free, fool-proof tools to keep in touch with your team.

Set expectations 

There are some colourful interpretations of what working from home means and most people know it doesn’t include steaming through Netflix in trackies. Laying out clearly what you expect from your team gives them a framework from which to build their out-of-office routine. It might not always go according to plan, but this way everyone’s on the same page while no one can be in the same place. 

Bear in mind it can be difficult to convey intended tone through mostly written communication, so choose your words carefully, and jump on the phone at the first hint of misinterpretation.  

Not all business  

It’s a tough time for them, it’s a tough time for you. Nerves are running high, and there is no one to get answers from. Laughter is the best medicine, and we could all do with a healthy dose of it. Keep some lighter-side-of-life content included in your dealings or start a separate group chat dedicated solely to quarantine antics and activities. 

It’s important to remember situations and responsibilities change once people walk through the front door at home. Tasks might not be as easy to carry out with 3 kids using their parents as a jungle gym, dependents need more help than before, and this is unprecedented situation for quite literally everyone. Compassion goes a long way right now. 

Digital Friday Knock-off 

Okay, so no drinks trolley rolls by, but there’s no reason you can’t still cheers to the weekend through your devices and yarn about all the things you’re not allowed to do. Mark the end of the work week and encourage your team to remain tools-down until Monday. Work/Life balance has never been more important.