A man smiling a waving at the screen, on a video call.

Stay connected with these free tools

You may have suddenly found yourself working remotely from home for the first time, and now more than ever you need to stay connected with your team. Luckily in the age of everything digital, there are some free and easy tools to help you do just that. 


Instead of a single overstuffed inbox, conversations in Slack happen in dedicated spaces called channels – an organised spaces for everything related to a project, topic or team.  

Channels can help you work as closely with external partners and clients as you do with teams down the hall. A place to connect the people you need with the information you share.  

Hangouts Meet calling 

Simply set up a meeting, share a link, and you're away laughing! Meet is fully integrated with G Suite, so you can join meetings directly from a calendar event or email invite. Connect with your team from anywhere. 

Messenger video 

Rally the gang together and start your next video chat quickly. Messenger video allows you to skip exchanging phone numbers, just send a message. 


A popular tool that offers simplified video conferencing and messaging across any device.  Zoom meetings sync with your calendar system and delivers a streamlined video conferencing experience.  

This tool enables internal and external communications, all-hands meeting, and trainings through one platform. Zoom is easy to start, join, and will make collaborating with your team simple.