Be found with White Pages

As NZ’s most trusted place for business and residential information, it’s where people look when they know your name, but not your number.

White Pages Advertising

Check out our ad options below and we can help find the best option for you.
White Pages Ads Free Listing

Free listing


The Free package includes a business name, address and landline.

White Pages Ads-Extra Content

Extra Content

From $8.68 per month

The Extra Content package makes it easier for your customers to contact you with a street address, email, website link, and mobile number. From $104 per item.

White Pages Ads-Enhancements


From $14.50 per month

The Enhancement package will make you business stand out with a range of additional features including a logo, border, colour, background highlights and bold text.

White Pages Ads-Business Package

Business Package

From $52.42 per month

A Business package will get the best value with a highly effective business card placement including a website link and email address highlighted in blue, and a bold business name with a black border, plus up to 6 pieces of information.

White Pages Ads-High Impact

High Impact

From $83.34 per month

A High Impact package will stand out amongst other ads in the book with engaging and highly visible options.

Ready to find out more?

Just complete the form below and our team will be in touch to discuss your requirements and how the White Pages can work for you.
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