Find Electrical Services in Christchurch
Here are a few related categories we've suggested to help you refine your search: Electricians, Refrigeration Servicing, Heat Pumps, Automotive Parts.
As there are limited businesses in the location you have searched, we’ve expanded our results out to surrounding areas.
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126 Garlands Road Hillsborough Christchurch 8022
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Servicing: Christchurch, Darfield Area, Lincoln Area, Rolleston Area
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5 Leslie Hills Drive Riccarton Christchurch 8011
2 reviews
Hours today: Open 24 HoursOPEN
Servicing: Amberley Area, Christchurch, Darfield Area, Leeston Area, Rangiora Area
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51 Glassworks Road Newland Ashburton
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Servicing: Motueka Area, Murchison Area, Nelson Area, Takaka Area